3 Types of Video Wall Technologies Explained By VizExperts

Nowadays, video wall are seen at various locations in metro cities like airports, conference rooms, cinema halls, shopping malls, etc. They are becoming a very important part of the way we do things. However, people lack knowledge regarding the basic types of video walls available in the market. Eventually, they end up wasting their money, as desired results are not achieved only because they haven’t designed their video wall solution correctly. Broadly, there are three types of video walls available, namely – panel based video walls, cube based video walls and projection based video walls.

VizExperts Video Wall and Video wall Controller

  1. Panel based video walls
  2. Cube based video walls
  3. Projection based seamless displays

For More Explanation Visit:-  https://www.vizexperts.com/blog/the-3-types-of-video-wall-technologies-explained

VizExperts Video Wall Controller Software is called VizDisplay.